Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hemorrhoids: what is it?

The hemorrhoids are dilated veins formed in the anus or rectum. It is normal that the veines de la région analeveins in the anal region swell slightly to defecation. But unlike normal veins, hemorrhoids are dilated permanently (see diagram).

About 1 adult 2 over 50 years old is suffering from hemorrhoids. The constipation, the pregnancy and loss of tissue with age tone are the main causes. Pregnant women, hemorrhoids symptoms usually disappear after childbirth.

Symptoms are easily recognizable and occasional: for itchy of the anus, a discomfort seated and bleeding When you go to the saddle.

Most people who suffer from hemorrhoids reach to relieve their symptoms with various care House and, if necessary, a drug available over-the-counter. However, sometimes hemorrhoids produce persistent pain or discomfort almost permanent. In these cases, a medical treatment can be contemplated.

Types of hemorrhoids

There are 2 types of hemorrhoids:

The hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids appear beneath the skin at the anal orifice. They can cause swelling in the area. They are plus sensibles more sensitive as internal hemorrhoids, because there are more sensory nerve fibers in this region. In addition, the risk that a blood clot forms in a dilated vein is greater than for Internal hemorrhoids (see possible Complications).

The hémorroïdes Internal hemorrhoids formed in the anus or lower rectum. They form a small Protuberance (see diagram). It classifies them according to their stage of development. They tend to advance to a degree if nothing is done to curb to evolution.
- First degree. The hemorrhoid remains inside the anus.
- Second degree. The hemorrhoid comes out of the anus to defecation and returned to normal position to the judgment of the effort.
- Third degree. The hemorrhoid must be carefully placed finger after defecation.
- Quatrième degréFourth degree . The hemorrhoids can be placed inside of the anus.

Possible complications

When mild pain or discomfort turns into pain, is usually the sign that one caillot de sangblood clot formed in a hemorrhoid. It's a thrombose hémorroïdairehemorrhoidal thrombosis , painful, but harmless. Symptoms usually disappear within the space of 1 or 2 weeks of analgesics and emollient laxatives, soften stool. After the resorption of the clot may form a small non-painful swelling in the anus, called marisque (only in the case of external hemorrhoids).

In rare cases, ulceration (wound tends to spread) may appear. It can also happen that a blood loss important causes of anemia.

When to consult

It is recommended to a doctor without delay in case of anal bleeding , even though it is little intense. This symptom can be a sign of another type of condition in the anal area or a health problem more severe.

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