Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Cure Hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or lower rectum. The rectum is the last part of the colon, leading to the anus. The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where bowel contents leave the body. External hemorrhoids are located under the skin around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids develop in the lower rectum. Internal hemorrhoids can protrude or prolapse through the anus. Most hemorrhoids prolapse retractable inside the rectum on its own initiative. Seriously prolapsed hemorrhoids may protrude permanently and require treatment.

For more details read :  How To Cure Hemorrhoids

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Intestinal bleeding, itching and rectal pain are the most common hemorrhoids symptoms. 

External Hemorrhoids 

Rectal pain occurs mainly in external hemorrhoids. The blood can be combined with less than theskin forming a painful lump. This is called a thrombosis, or clotted, hemorrhoid. You may also notice streaks of blood on toilet paper if you pass hard stools.

Internal hemorrhoids
The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. You can find bright red streaks of blood on toilet paper or bright red blood in the toilet bowl after having a normal bowel movement. Blood may also be visible on the surface of the stool.
Other symptoms of internal hemorrhoids may include:
  • Itching. It is a common complaint, because the mucus internal hemorrhoids often seep, which can irritate the anal skin and cause itching
  • Skin irritation. Large hemorrhoids that protrude through the anus may secrete mucus, causing mild irritation
  • Discomfort. May still be tempted to miss a bowel movement after having a bowel movement. This feeling of discomfort is caused by inflammation of hemorrhoids in the final part of the large intestine (anal canal). In general, most of hemorrhoids, the biggest nuisance.
  • Pain. Most internal hemorrhoids are not painful. However, large hemorrhoids bulge from the anus may become painful if they swell and are squeezed by the muscles that control the anus. The pain may be a sign that the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off (strangulated hemorrhoid). Emergency treatment is needed.
For more details read : How To Cure Hemorrhoids

What are the cause of hemorrhoids ?

  •  Take a wrong position in the toilet seat is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.
  • Constipation is another cause of hemorrhoids. Difficulty having hard stools puts too much pressure on the rectum and swells the veins (like varicose veins behind the knees).
  • Diarrhea is a factor that damages arteries. In this case, it is often the passage of stools, and even fecal matter is soft, it absorbs from the gut, at the same time and cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Wiping too hard or too long may cause or aggravate hemorrhoids.
  • Other important causes of hemorrhoids are pregnancy.
  • Heavy lifting straining can cause hemorrhoids to show themselves and can possibly cause hemorrhoids to develop.
  • Liver disease can also cause increased pressure in the veins, blood pooled in and around the pelvic system.
  • If you are overweight, you raise your excess weight when standing or walking or running.
  • Another factor to consider is the heritage.
  • Anal sex is another cause of hemorrhoids

For more details read : How To Cure Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids / Hemroids treatment ?

    Some drugs used to treat hemorrhoids may have adverse effects on blood glucose, and thus may provide physical problems for people with diabetes who take medicine against diabetes. There are options for patients with diabetes who also suffer from painful hemorrhoids.

    Some simple treatments for hemorrhoids in patients with diabetes are as follows:

    • Eat fiber-rich foods such as bran, fresh fruit and vegetables. Psyllium-containing products can also be used to increase dietary fiber
    • Avoid straining during defecation or sitting on the toilet for a long period of time. In general, do not sit for long periods of time. Ice packs may reduce swelling.

    For more details read : How To Cure Hemorrhoids

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